Friday, January 8, 2010

Does this include check emails?


Text Messaging Ban/Cell Restrictions
- Public Act 96-130 (HB 71) prohibits a person from using an electronic communication device to compose, send or read a text message while driving. This new law has certain exceptions—if using a device in hands free or voice-activated mode; while the vehicle is parked on a shoulder of a roadway; or if the vehicle is stopped due to normal traffic being obstructed and the vehicle is either in neutral or park. Public Act 96-131 (HB 72) prohibits the use of a cell phone in a school speed zone or a highway construction or maintenance zone. This new prohibition does not apply to persons working on the highway project, using a cell phone for emergency purposes, law enforcement personnel or if you are using a cell phone in voice-activated mode.

Well, this is interesting.

Im wondering why the law is so specific to texting. What about the occasional need to answer an email? I see the point, but is this just a ploy to obtain more money from IL citizens. Im sure a lot of us are either working very hard to avoid loosing our jobs or struggling while collecting unemployment. Im also wondering how easy it will be to catch someone "texting while driving". Just remember to buckle up and be safe!

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