Sunday, January 24, 2010

5 Ways to "go green" & give your home a face lift

What does it mean to "Go Green"?

For many I'm sure this term is not unfamiliar. But home many integrate this into our lives? This post is designed to give ideas on being green in your home.

5 green products in your home:
Cotton Fiber Insulation
Natural Linoleum
Cool Metal Roofing
Energy Efficient Windows
Mold Resistent Wallboard

Implementing the green things into your home as many benefits.

5 Benefits of going green:
Save the Earth-Our collective actions have destoyed it, now our collective actions must save it
Save your Health-From switching to greener cleaning supplies to eating more organic foods, we can all take small steps to positively impact our own personal health.
Save Money- Using less energy, less gas, and less of everything is the greenest activity
Save the Economy- IF the US focuses on more green intiatives, we will recover by continuing to be the innovator. Green technology is likely the next thing to be a leader in.
It just feels good-Feel good knowing you did the right thing by recycling, using reusable bags, and not printing unnecessary emails.


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